You can request a refund by contacting our customer support team via email or phone. Provide details of your purchase and the reason for your refund request.

You can request a refund within 3 days of your purchase.

Contact our customer support team for assistance. We’ll help resolve any issues you encounter with downloading the file.

No, you can download the file as many times as needed.

We accept various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, and cryptocurrency.

Yes, we use secure payment gateways to ensure the safety of your payment information.

Currently, we do not offer instalment payment options.

Yes, we accept cryptocurrency as a payment method.

You will receive a download link via email after completing your purchase.

Yes, you can access your purchased files from multiple devices.

Yes, our customer support team is available to assist with any technical issues.

We strive to maintain high accuracy levels in our email lists by regularly updating and verifying the information

Our email lists undergo meticulous curation processes to ensure they meet our quality standards. We verify and validate the data to provide reliable information.

The average open rate may vary depending on factors such as industry, audience, and content. However, our email lists are designed to help maximize open rates through targeted marketing.

We gather data from various reputable sources, including business directories, industry associations, and opt-in subscriptions, to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Our email lists are typically delivered in a downloadable format, such as CSV or Excel, for easy integration with your email marketing platform or CRM system.

We strive to provide up-to-date email lists, but if you encounter any inaccuracies or changes, we offer updates or revisions to ensure the data remains relevant and reliable.

While we cannot guarantee deliverability rates due to factors beyond our control (such as email server configurations and spam filters), our email lists are designed to maximize deliverability through accurate and targeted data.

We adhere to strict spam compliance regulations and only provide email lists with opt-in consent or permission-based data to ensure ethical and legal email marketing practices.

We promptly honour unsubscribe requests and ensure that opt-out preferences are respected to maintain compliance with anti-spam laws and regulations.

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